日前,2022 ArchDaily中国年度建筑大奖公布,由美国Laguarda.Low Architects建筑设计公司担纲总体规划和建筑设计的深圳宝安欢乐港湾东岸,一举获得2022 ArchDaily中国年度建筑设计大奖的冠军。
美国LLA建筑设计公司创始人、总裁Pablo Laguarda表示:很高兴宝安欢乐港湾东岸项目荣获ArchDaily中国年度建筑大奖,为此我们感到非常自豪。在此感谢ArchDaily中国(为我们颁发这个大奖)。欢乐港湾项目对我们来说是一个设计上的挑战,在深圳市,尤其是在宝安区,如何营造一个大型公园、并将城市综合体的开发与这个公园无缝衔接?这是这个项目最大的挑战,同时也成为它最大的特色。它将两种功能有机融合:一个可供深圳市民休闲娱乐的公园,和一个不会影响公园自然体验的大型商业综合体。我们成功地做到了这一点,使欢乐港湾成为一个独一无二的项目。多元化的体验使这个项目变得非常有趣味,人们在公园中畅游,同时享受着其他业态带来的便利和乐趣。
(We are very proud and happy to receive the ArchDaily award of the year for the OCT Baoan project. It's something that make us very proud and very happy. We thank ArchDaily China for this. This project, since the beginning was a challenge for us, a design challenge, the idea of integrating a public park, a large public park for the city of Shenzhen, and particularly for the district of Baoan. The idea to introduce a large mixed-use development and make it work with that park in a seamless way was one of the biggest challenges, at the same time create the uniqueness of this project. The possibility to interconnect the two uses: entertainment park, not just a temporary park, a park for the people of Shenzhen, but at the same time, a large retail mixed-use development that will not interfere with the quality of that public park. To accomplish that is what make this project unique and make this project successful, at the same time that is a very interesting mix of uses, It's park, a public park, people are mingling to the whole project, enjoying not just the park, but also the offers that the project give them.)
美国LLA建筑设计公司创始人、总裁Pablo Laguarda介绍:Laguarda.Low Architects(LLA建筑设计)是一家总部位于纽约的国际性建筑设计公司,并在北京和东京设有分公司。我们的设计理念基于多个要素,最为重要的三项是:创造力、人性化、创新性。创造力也许是设计最重要的部分,我们竭尽全力为每一个项目发挥我们的创意。在每个项目的起始阶段,我们都会问自己我们能为这个项目做哪些不同的探索?除了常规的解决方案,我们还能做出哪些改进和突破?创新性体现在我们总是不遗余力地寻找更好、更新、可持续发展的新方法、项目建造的新方法等,这已经成为我们工作的一个重要内核。最后是人性化,我们为人而设计,我们设计的建筑最终是会由人来使用,因此我们非常注重设计的人性化。我们的项目都有着人性化的尺度,人性化的提案,从大型综合体项目至城市总体规划的设计,我们都做得十分人性化。我们总是在思索如何通过设计改善社会生活。
(We are Laguarda.Low Architects, an international firm with our main office in the city of New York, USA. We also have an office in Beijing, China, and another office in Japan in Tokyo. Our approach to design in general is based in many different items, I'll mention three of them: Creativity, Humanity, and Innovation. The creativity is perhaps one of the most important. We always try very hard to be creative in our approach to every single project. When we start a project, we always ask ourselves what can we do different this time, what can we improve from the predictable solutions that normally architects would pursue. Innovation, we always looking for better materials, new materials, new approach to sustainability, new approach to way to build projects, that's an intrinsical part of our work; and at the end the humanity of our projects, we design for people, our buildings at the end of the day are going to be used by people. We put a lot of attention on that. Our projects are human in scale, are human in proposal, are human in the large scale of mixed use projects or masterplan of a large cities. We are always thinking how can we improve the life of the society.)
设计公司进入中国市场近二十年,完成了众多项目,获得高度认可,以整体和前瞻的方式,将过去的成功经验、当前的流行趋势和未来的发展需求综合考虑,秉持因地制宜的理念,将自然和人文元素融入规划与设计。在Pablo Laguarda先生看来,建筑师的社会担当高于一切。
美国LLA建筑设计公司创始人、总裁Pablo Laguarda强调:建筑,如同我们生活的社会一般一直在变化着,技术不断地推陈出新,生活方式也是日新月异。作为设计师,我们总是试图不忘本职:那就是如何创建有益于人和社会的环境,为人营造良好环境,仍然是建筑师最为重要的目标。
(Architecture, as a society we live, change constantly. We see everyday changes in the technology, in the way people do things. But we always try to keep focus on what is important — how can we produce environments that benefit the people and the society? That is still the most important goal of the architect. Try to create environment for the people.)
Laguarda.Low Architects(简称LLA)创立于2000年,是一家享誉国际的美国建筑设计公司,总部位于纽约,并在北京和东京设有办公室。LLA提供项目策划、总体规划、城市设计、建筑设计和室内设计等专业咨询和设计服务。LLA设计的项目遍及全球主要地区,取得了令人瞩目的业绩,形成了自身独特的优势。LLA设计服务涵盖的项目类型包括项目类型包括城市综合体、文商旅综合体、旅游度假项目、TOD、特色小镇、购物中心、街区商业、酒店、写字楼、公共建筑、公寓等。 LLA致力于设计的原创性、实用性和艺术性的高度融合,力求通过设计提升项目价值。凭借对城市发展的专注研究、对地产开发的扎实见地、对策划运营的深刻理解,LLA在项目总体规划和建筑设计上融合领先的设计理念和设计手段,结合具体项目的特定条件,提供独特、实效、优美的整体设计解决方案。LLA进入中国市场近二十年,完成了众多获得高度认可和具有广泛影响力的项目,在市场声誉、设计能力和服务模式等方面获得了高度认可。 添加关注已关注